What We Do

The Foundation’s main task is to help address the problems associated with cleft lip and palate in Ghana through advocacy. There is very limited awareness of cleft lip and palate in Ghana and children with cleft are not readily accepted by society, leading in some cases to infanticide. These children are otherwise normal with an orofacial defect which lends itself to successful surgical repair. However, they usually are unable to eat or speak properly and shunned by their peers making it difficult for them to attend school or engage in normal activities like other children. Once the condition is repaired, both the children and their families can lead a normal life. Because of the limited availability of skills and resources for treating cleft lip and palate in Ghana, as well as the need for several health care practitioners in caring for these patients, the total cost of care including feeding, transportation, and hospital-based treatments is beyond the means of most patients and their families. The Foundation thus has a role not only in creating awareness of the condition, but also in facilitating access to treatment as well as build capacity in skills development.

About us

The idea for establishing the Ghana Cleft Foundation originated in 2005 from discussions among members of the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital Cleft Clinic. These discussions were informed by the firsthand experiences of the hardships faced by families of children born with cleft lip and palate. The Cleft Clinic attracts patients from all parts of the country, majority of whom are from low income backgrounds.


Contact us

  • Address: A1 -B1 Concourse, Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, Kumasi, Ghana.
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone: +233-(0)32 204 0819  |  +233-(0)27 520 1020
    +233-(0)55 446 9005
© 2025 Ghana Cleft Foundation.